[Tap Exchange] Just Calculated? Budget Management Done? - Currency Calculator

When traveling, there often comes a time when you need to keep track of your expenses. However, meticulously logging everything in a spreadsheet like a budget planner can feel tedious, especially when you’re on the go.

Personally, I love using Google Sheets, but it’s pretty challenging to do this on mobile.

But what if a calculator could help you manage your budget by keeping a record of your calculations?

1. Total Calculation from History

Most standard calculators have a feature that tracks your calculation history, but the "Tap Exchange"(톡톡 환율계산기) goes beyond just showing history. You can select checkboxes to calculate totals—just like dragging to sum cells in Excel.

You can input numbers without any formulas and press “=” to build your history. Since it’s a currency calculator, it even considers exchange rates when calculating your totals.

In fact, if your calculation history includes dollars or Vietnamese dong, it provides an approximate total based on the final exchange rate. (Just a heads up: it won’t show decimals, so it’s an estimate!)

By the way, the checkbox next to "2 items" allows you to select or deselect all at once.

2. Add Notes to Your History

Another unique feature that other calculators lack is the ability to leave notes in your calculation history. Often, when you just have the numbers, it’s hard to remember what they represent.

 However, with the option to modify notes, you can easily recall what each value was used for. This means when you check the box, you can quickly see how much you spent on various items by looking back at your notes.

It’s almost like you’re completing your travel budget just by doing the calculations! But wait, there’s more.

3. Share Your History via Excel

After your trip, you often need to reorganize your expenses to figure out individual costs and fixed expenses. Many times, this means moving everything to Google Sheets or Excel for further processing. But with the "Tap Exchange" (톡톡환율계산기), you can save your calculation history as an Excel file!

When you check your calculation history, a share button becomes active on the right side. You can select the data you want to share by checking the appropriate boxes. If you want to send all your records, just click the checkbox next to "xx items" to select everything.

The history sent to Excel can be directly modified and refined, making your travel budget results easy to finalize.

Download Available?

As of now, the app has officially launched for iPhone users (as of Friday, October 4, 2024). The Android version is still in a closed testing phase and is expected to be officially released after the third week of October. 😭

Download it here! (ios AppStore)


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톡톡 환율계산기 개인정보처리 방침

[Tap Exchange] Travel Exchange Rate Calculator App

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